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October 2019

Stress 101: Understanding Stress In Less Stressful Ways


Indeed, everyone experiences stress. This word, stress, has a broad definition, reflecting the phenomenon’s complexity. While stress is universal, the way individuals experience stress can vary dramatically. Stress manifests in diverse ways, differing in psychological, emotional stress, and body stress responses. Regardless of the aspect we relate to stress, the fight or flight response significantly impacts one’s physical and mental health conditions.


People have different strategies for managing stress, and many individuals must cope with common physical symptoms that it can instigate – high blood pressure, muscle tension, upset stomach, or digestive problems. Job strain, a form of occupational stress, can lead to more severe health problems such as cardiovascular disease, chest pain, anxiety disorder, and other mental and immune system issues.

Rachel Fintzy Woods, MA, LMFT, says, “Acute stress is a normal part of life and to be expected. Having bills to pay, life’s challenges at work, relationship issues, and health problems can all trigger anxiety and stress.” Sometimes, acute stress can also result from emotions and the different things that a person needs to balance in his daily life. We feel overwhelmed by even one situation and are present with our body’s reaction. If this happens, coping with stress becomes more difficult.

According to Stephanie Dobbin, LMFT, CGP, the reasons for too much stress come from “the long hours, the tedium and pressure of having to complete documentation on time, the unpredictability of being on-call, and overwhelming feelings of frustration and inadequacy as they attempt to juggle home, family, and career.”

Acute or chronic stress depends on what makes most people feel it. Since there are immeasurable factors that affect stress, stress effects can entirely become a damaging aspect of life. However, knowing the simple things that can strip its formulation will enhance your way out to prevent stress.

Tips To Follow

Tip #1: Take A Deep Breath

According to the National Institute experts, it’s always an effective method to experience stress response relief when you do deep and rapid breathing. It helps soothe your mind and body and reduce stress and anxiety (even for a while), especially with an increased heart rate. It is one of the most common relaxation techniques or even dangerous situations. It helps manage stress and emotional symptoms while slowly feeling the air from your chest. Breathing is proven to oxygenate your blood which helps clear your mind, so it’s advisable to do it even for three to five minutes to lessen the effects of long-term stress, and you’ll see a big difference.

It definitely will take a little bit of time.

Tip #2: Consider Taking A Break

Understandably, you may encounter many tasks requiring your time and put your mental well-being at risk. You may have a normal reaction to pressure. However, considering a break from things that increase the effects of stress helps reorganize yourself because it gives you enough energy to move on to the next assignment without stress. Socializing with friends, exercising, and doing things you enjoy is essential to cope with distress. It surprisingly helps make you feel happy while lowering your stress level.

Stressed people need to understand the importance of having a break sometimes. If you are stressed out because of your work. It is nice to take a break. It is excellent to be strict with your time and break. You can think of some strategies to make this one organized.

Tip #3: Tune In To Music

This is also one of the most effective stress management techniques. Though there is a wide variety of music, most can give you the advantage of fighting stress, especially when you suffer from stress overload. It can be Jazz, Ballad, Acoustic, and mellow. Almost all of these result in temporary stress relief – whether it’s chronic stress or acute stress. Not only can music calm your stress, but it is also proven to uplift your inner well-being and lessen stress. You might always need to understand how music extraordinarily works on stress. Still, it creates an atmosphere that alleviates muscle tension, chest pain, fear, and other adverse effects of stress.


Tip #4: Remove Stress Distractions

Fortunately, the only way to avoid danger and help yourself reduce stress and other related behaviors is by removing all the interruptions that can hinder your productivity and poorly affect your mental health. It will not stress you more if you try to avoid using your mobile phone for a few hours and only concentrate on the task you consider your priority. Managing stress also means trying to minimize the things that increase the effects of it.

Stressed people have a hard time focusing on what they are doing. Be strict with yourself and eliminate those things that can distract you.

Tip #5: Have Sex

Indeed one of the most fantastic stress relievers that you can completely do. It is known to release endorphins that help stabilize your acute stress. You won’t just appreciate the heat of the moment because it is proven to give you mental health benefits by reducing those stress signals from your brain. It effectively enables you to handle stress appropriately. This may lower blood pressure and stress and alleviate minor to moderate health problems.

Tip #6: Get Enough Sleep

It’s not a secret that trouble sleeping or sleep deprivation can cause extreme stress. It can cause and may eventually lead to poor judgment and severe emotional symptoms. Therefore, getting enough sleep (at least 7 to 8 hours) with regular meals is a great stress management technique. One of the significant advantages of sleep is the regeneration of your body which helps maintain your ability to fight certain diseases. Some say it’s perhaps the most natural and accessible way to handle stress and avoid mental illnesses like depression.

Stressed people must have enough sleep. Be strict with your time. It is good to have continuous and straight sleep.


How Does Stress Affect The Physical Health?

Stress can overwhelm you and cause many complications to a person’s health and well-being. But once you regularly practice different stress management methods, you’ll never see stress as a factor that can ruin your daily life. Unfortunately, even students suffer from stress, and more often than not, they experience cognitive symptoms. Do not take stress for granted; seek treatment as much as possible. Jonathan Frecceri, M.A., LMFT, said, “We need to bring the students into the mix. It’s their voice. They have the most power to change these cultural norms around mental health and suicide.”

How Does Stress Affect Your Well-Being?

As American psychological association experts say, when your mental and physical health has been affected by stress, it doesn’t matter if the cause is as minor as an anticipated exam or a traumatic event such as a natural disaster. You have to find ways to manage stress symptoms appropriately. Learn the management techniques and how to better release hormones through a health professional or healthcare provider or read from reliable sources online. Prevent stress by following a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet.

You can try some strategies, but it is essential to be strict with yourself when following healthy ways.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Can Tension Affect Your Body?

Tension, or chronic stress, can lead to high blood pressure and various symptoms of stress that negatively affect your body.

What Are The Signs Of Tension?

Signs of tension in the short term may include feeling overwhelmed, and it’s important to communicate with a care provider if you experience these symptoms.

What Are The Side Effects Of Too Much Tension?

Long-term side effects of too much tension and stress include heart disease.

What Happens When You Tense Too Much?

When you tense too much, it can lead to health problems, anxiety, and various symptoms in the body, making it harder to work efficiently.

What Exactly Causes Tension?

How Do You Control Your Tension?

What Are The 5 Emotional Signs Of Stress?

What Are The Side Effects Of Too Much Tension?

What Is The Best Medicine For Tension?

What Organs Are Affected By Tension?

What Does Tension Do To Your Brain?


When Acne Strikes [Home Remedies]


Acne is a skin condition common to adolescents and young adults. It occurs when the skin develops red spots, pimples, blackheads, whiteheads, oily skin, dark marks, and scars. Acne occurs when the hair follicle, commonly on the face, is clogged with dead skin cells, oil, and dirt.




This skin condition can affect a person emotionally as it diminishes self-esteem. A person suffering from acne may be embarrassed or hesitant to interact with other people because he is afraid that they will be grossed out by his condition.


It can appear as early as puberty which is around the age of 12 that’s why teens are encouraged to be more cautious with their hygiene. Adolescence is the stage of life when a person is still undecided of his identity and tend to yearn for attention and acceptance, and having bad skin is a big problem!



Before your skin worsens, here are some simple remedies you can try at home to reduce and hopefully clear acne completely:






  1. Vitamin A and E


Increase vitamin A and E intake. You can buy supplements from the pharmacy. Vitamin A is known to have antioxidant properties which can decrease oil production of the skin. It is also proven to contribute to healthy new skin cells and younger-looking skin. Vitamin E can help acne conditions by promoting fast healing and tissue repair diminishing acne marks.


  1. Apple Cider Vinegar


You can use apple cider vinegar as a toner or as a wash. It has a cleansing property which rids the skin of dirt, oil, and dead skin cells which are the leading causes of this skin condition. You can also drink apple cider vinegar to remove toxins from your system which can also contribute to acne.


  1. Green Tea


Green tea can help get rid of acne by causing a decrease in oil production. Aside from applying the green tea to the affected area, drinking it is also an excellent way to benefit from its acne busting properties. It strengthens the immune system and helps the body fight infections such as acne. It also decreases inflammation levels.


  1. Honey


You can add honey to your water and juices. You can take one tablespoon every morning and before bedtime. Honey has antioxidant properties which eliminate toxins in the body. It moisturizes the skin naturally and also serves as a facial mask to prevent dryness of the skin.




  1. Lemon


Lemon is a rich in vitamin C which is essential in boosting the immune system. You can also use lemon as a skin astringent because it has cleansing properties that rid the skin of oil and dirt. It has a brightening and firming effect, so it can be very beneficial to acne as it clears the skin of acne marks.


People always notice our face first when they talk to us and having acne can be troublesome! It messes with our self-confidence and affects how we mingle with other people. Early treatment is imperative to avoid unpleasant outcomes like acne marks or scarring.




There are other several ways to get rid of acne. You can try the remedies mentioned above, or you can also consult a doctor if you think its severity needs a more aggressive approach or medication.




