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Patient Info on Common Diseases

Coping With Food Allergy Anxiety

Having a kid with a food allergy is very stressful for both parents and the kid, which sometimes ends up with the parents feeling paranoid.   


Mother’s Anxiety

My niece Anaya has multiple food allergies that are very hard to control.   When she was younger, around one or two years of age, they often made trips to the emergency room.  There was one time when she had three anaphylactic attacks around the holiday season.  I witnessed how my sister and her husband were rocked to the core.  My sister developed severe anxiety, and I often saw her crying out of pity for her sick child.   She would worry that just one bite of the wrong food will end her daughter’s life. She even gave up her job just to be on Anaya’s side day in and day out.  

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7 Essential Acne Fighting Oils

Although acne can be a prevalent problem across people of varying ages, the treatment of such skin condition tends to work differently and uniquely for everyone. For so many years, different companies have developed various ranges of skincare products–from creams, mists, toners, gels, masks, and a whole lot more–with the similar promise of bright, glowing, and healthy skin. However, it is a challenge for acne sufferers to find a fantastic product that will do amazing wonders on their skin.


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How I Overcame My Acne Problem And Win Back My Relationship




My facial condition caused me a lot of stress. I previously experienced a severe case of acne that seemed so hard to get rid of. Everything in my life changed as I struggled with the facial problem.

Due to the severity of my acne, I lost all the confidence I had. I became so impatient and irritated about everything. My acne problem made me feel depressed. I thought I became less of a person because I felt like people always stared and talked about my condition. I isolated myself from people, and I avoided doing the things I used to do, even spending time with my husband. When my relationship drastically got affected, I knew I had to do something.

I blamed all sorts of food and tried every expensive skin cream out in the market. I used to go to a dermatologist and seek advice. However, that didn’t help at all. I just went through the days that my huge-sized pimples continuously popped up and I couldn’t stop them from coming out. So I tried searching for natural remedies online and found out that I was doing the wrong routines the whole time. I expected too much of a change in my facial skin when I didn’t try changing anything at all. So from there, I decided to make small adjustments in my life that helped me get through the struggle.





I thought that creams would help eliminate my acne because a health professional somehow recommended it. However, I figured out that not having enough sleep made it less effective. So when I started to change my sleeping patterns, I finally saw some little transformation on my skin.


When it comes to diet and nutrition, I avoided food that is said to cause acne breakouts such as peanuts, chocolates, cheese, and other oily food. However, I wasn’t able to value the importance of fruits and vegetables because I thought that merely avoiding the cause was more than enough. So when I managed to eat healthily, people started noticing a big difference in my face.


Aside from sleep and nutritional balance, I also tried enrolling in a gym class. I was hesitant to go to the gym before because I thought that too much sweating would trigger my acne. However, when I found out that exercising is beneficial in blood regulation, I immediately managed to try my first workout program. Aside from that, exercising made me realize how essential water is when it comes to body fluids.




After a couple of months of doing the same things over and over again, I somehow felt great about myself because my acne became less visible. My friends and family already noticed the fruits of my labor. Also, I felt happy that I was able to save my marriage too. I used it as an inspiration to get rid of the thing that probably “almost” ruined my relationship.

As of now, I am content and happy with my life. Gosh! It feels great to be me again.


Anxiety Disorder: How Does It Affect Your Relationship?




When we talk about stress, we often generalize it as a problem that we need to solve in tons of different ways. It affects things such as school, work, environment, people, and personal struggle. According to Aarti Gupta, PsyD, “A little bit of stress is totally normal—and can actually be a good thing.” However, when you’re in a relationship, the degree of stress is somehow different from those mentioned. Eventually, you will experience a kind of pressure that is not even brought by something and feels like it’s just sort of there. That’s where you’ll figure out that anxiety is present.




A Life With Anxiety

According to Nancy B. Irwin, PsyD, “Depression and anxiety are like flip sides of the same coin, says therapy. Being depressed often makes us anxious, and anxiety often makes us depressed.” If it turns out that you have both conditions, there are lots of ways to get help.”

Anxiety can affect your everyday life especially when you are in a relationship because it requires a lot of mental and emotional attention. It is where you tend to experience an excessive, persistent, and unreasonable apprehension about everything. Although you might seem to understand your condition, there’s something in your mind that tells you that you’re not in control and there’s no way you can stop it. Therefore, the situation will somehow make you feel helpless and uninspired to do the things that you’re supposed to do.

In addition to having too many worries or anxiety, symptoms of restlessness and irritability are present. You may feel the lack of thoughts and difficulties in concentration which will eventually complicate your relationship with your partner due to unattended mood changes. In severe cases, you may also experience panic attacks and sudden aggression that can merely start an argument.

Generally speaking, most people experience problems in determining the cause of their anxiety, and they usually blame past incidents on that matter. Though some of the cases are true, the condition still tackles a broad idea because anxiety disorder is not limited to specific reasons alone such as your psychological, emotional, or behavioral aspects. It is a combination of your overall wellbeing.

Here’s a final note from Marcia Reynolds, PsyD: “Take time to re-acquaint yourself with you. Then you might vision what you want for your future so you can align your daily actions, experiences and learning with this focus in mind. ”




The Required Treatment

Anxiety disorder can be treated in a variety of ways. However, the most common treatment is medication. People who are experiencing anxiety as a mental health disorder are given a prescription to take antidepressants that are useful in elevating their mood because it contributes to the regulation of the serotonin levels in the brain. Also, a psychoactive drug called benzodiazepine is another medication option due to its calming and relaxing effect. Though these medications are quite effective, unwanted effects such as drug dependence, tolerance, and withdrawal are something that requires consideration.

On the other hand, psychotherapy is also helpful as well. It is a process that teaches a person to behave and think differently. It encourages them to use their mental strength to react more appropriately in addressing issues about their relationships that affect their emotional state. Compared to medication, psychotherapy or cognitive behavior therapy creates a long-term advantage.

When it comes to your relationship and mental condition, there are a lot of things you need to understand because sometimes when you over-think about your situation, you might end up pushing people away. When you feel that stress and anxiety are not helping you with anything at all, make time to consider asking for professional help.

Can You Let Go Of Stress?

Do you feel anxious and stressed for the past few days? Are you tired of feeling negativity and adversity in your day-to-day life? Does it bother you to experience some mental health concerns or issues? If you said yes, then it is time for you to consider eliminating stress in your life as soon as possible. Keep in mind that harboring this kind of negative emotion can have several adverse effects on your part.

According to Nicholette Leanza LPCC-S, Believe it or not, your brain could be wired for anxiety, anger or any other negative thoughts, feelings or perceptions about yourself and the world.” As such, do not fret because there are several ways on how you can make it happen.




In this article, we are going to provide you with some tips or techniques that you can use. The purpose is to guide and encourage everyone to find a way to eliminate stress in one’s life. If you are successful in making this happen, then you are bound to experience the best things that life has to offer. Below are the strategies to remember:


Change Your Mindset


Are you aware that the way you think can affect the way you feel? Because of this, it is crucial on your part to learn how to change your mindset. You need to stop thinking of negativity so that you will not attract more of it in your life. Remember that harboring negativity will only make things more difficult for you. Once you notice that it has consumed your thoughts, find a way to change your mindset as soon as possible. Jamie Marich, Ph.D., LPCC-S, LICDC-CS, RMT said “Our moods are affected by our thoughts, feelings, and beliefs about ourselves and the world around us.”




Be With Happy People


The quality of people that you have in your life can also affect the kind of life that you will have. As such, it is best if you continue to surround yourself with the right persons at all times. Do not be afraid to choose whom to make friends within the office or in your community. Remind yourself that you do not need to force any form of friendship or relationship. Otherwise, you will only end up punishing yourself. The right thing to do is to think twice before you start choosing the people who should stay in your life.


Live A Healthy Lifestyle


Take note that you must also learn to consider performing physical exercises at all times. Make sure that you follow a healthy lifestyle in everything that you do. Failure to do this can have a negative impact on your mental wellness. As such, it is ideal if you will go to the gym regularly or do home exercises in your own room. Aside from this, you can also start to observe a balanced diet. As much as possible, always watch your food intake so that you will not feel any level of stress. Always put in mind that consuming food items that are high in fat, cholesterol, and unwanted compounds can be dangerous for your health. Think twice before you eat your meals. If possible, observe the nutritional packs printed on the label. In so doing, it will be a lot easier for you to be mindful of your food consumption.




Take note that according to Trudi Griffin, LPC, “Understand the power of your attitude toward yourself. How you perceive yourself, how you talk about yourself, and how you represent yourself eventually becomes the reality for you.”



Fight Stress By Increasing Your Intimacy



There’s a moderate and high level of stress that we encounter in our relationship and addressing it is an important issue. The condition can make us feel weak and sometimes vulnerable to several symptoms of mental, physical, and emotional concerns.

Joseph Rock, PsyD talks about stress as the same as feeling burnt out. According to him,  “When you talk about burnout, you’re talking about three basic things – one of them is, just generally, you’re more exhausted; you’re more lethargic,” he said. “The second thing, is you’re less efficient; you’re not working as well as you used to work. And the third thing is, you’re getting very negative and cynical in your thinking – about work particularly.”

So how can you genuinely change and relax your mind and body? Here are some of the tips that you can follow to able to reduce the stress related to your relationship.


Holding Hands – It a common practice that most people in a relationship sometimes often do to boost affection and bonding. Holding hands support the relieving of stress because it triggers a behavioral, chemical reaction in the brain that helps in making you feel better. It assists the nerves in your skin to communicate with the core nervous system to give us a warm and pleasant sensation. It also eases the strain of both mental and physical aspects.


Kissing – Making out with your partner is an excellent way to relieve stress. It lowers the high level of stress regulator called cortisol and increases the amount of neurotransmitter in the brain also known as oxytocin. Kissing also increases the number of endorphins used for emotional feelings of attachment, contentment, security, and bond. It is also proven to reduce blood cholesterol and help maintain a better mood by decreasing headaches.




Hugging – There’s nothing more valuable in hugging than making you feel secure. It is somehow in charge of fighting stress because of its gentleness. It reduces blood pressure and maintains a balance of emotional health. When a person is experiencing stress, a simple embrace becomes a primary tool in increasing serotonin or the chemicals responsible for mood regulation. It allows the orbital frontal cortex to feel rewarding stimuli.

Scott Bea, PsyD says ““If you received a hug on a day that you had experienced some interpersonal conflict, the hug was actually a modifier of the stress response – meaning you had less of an increase in negative emotion, and less of a decrease in positive sentiment, if you got a simple hug.”


Cuddling – It is a universal way of showing someone affection. In fact, it’s the most accessible form of stress reliever and requires no extended effort in doing so. It gives people soothing effectiveness that helps in regulating a physical balance that supports emotional health. Like kissing, it also releases oxytocin that is also known as the “cuddle hormone” that encourages an area of the brain to react positively to touch. It is somehow similar to hugging but a much more prolonged type. It also creates a massive change in the body’s immune structure by helping the nervous system to frequently function and makes it more active and alert.


Sexual Intercourse – Regularly having sex with your partner can do a lot more than making you feel closer to each other. It’s beneficial for immunity and for your physical, psychological, and emotional health. Sex can address your stress levels because it helps in lowering the endorphins or the morphine-like chemicals produced in the body that reduces pain. Alongside its advantage is the production of prolactin that is responsible for giving you a relaxing feeling. It helps you gain focus so you can manage stressful situations.




Your relationship stress is only a factor that makes you understand the importance of physical intimacy. With all that said, it is best that you spend more time with your partner than think about the unnecessary things that complicate your overall well-being. If stress is caused by your work, take note that David W. Ballard, PsyD said “People need time off from work to recover from stress and prevent burnout.”

A Guideline To Improving Your Mood Instantly

Do you always find yourself in a constant state of a bad mood? Are you easily affected when something bad happens in your day? Is it a struggle for you to keep up the good vibes in your day-to-day activity? If you answered yes to these questions, then maybe it is time to consider changing your ways to improve your mental health. Keep in mind that you must make an effort to improve your mood all the time. Failure to do this can be fatal on your part, especially if you are prone to experiencing stress and depression.




For today’s article, we are going to discuss talk about the different ways that you can do to improve your mood instantly. Before anything else, remember that Emily Griffiths, LPC said “The opposite of self-care is self-neglect. Neglecting our emotional and physical health leads to increased anxiety, depression, and physical illness.”

We understand how challenging and problematic it can be to smile and be happy when something is bothering you. Aside from this, we are also aware that it can be a complete struggle to get up from bed in the morning if you are full of negative vibes. To solve all these issues, make sure that you read this article so that you can start working on improving your mood swings. Take note that Elizabeth York, M.Ed, LPC, LMFT said “An understanding of the basics of stress management may help.”


Take Deep Breaths


Whenever you feel that you are already on the verge of getting mad or feeling angry about something, make sure that you learn how to take deep breathes. Breathe in, breathe out until you feel better about yourself. As much as possible, avoid stressing out about the things that bother you. Vanessa McLean says “A lot of people with anxiety don’t know what it feels like to be relaxed.” What is essential is that you continue to have an open mind to everything that happens in your life. When things do not go your way, make sure to take deep breaths and believe that things are going to be fine soon.




Find Positive Vibes


When several things are not what it seems or when they end up making you feel bad all the time, the best thing to do is to invest in harvesting positive vibes for yourself. As much as possible, do everything you can to attract good vibes from the people you surround yourself. Consequently, find a way to avoid those who will only make you feel upset or sad. Take note that nothing is more important than maintaining close ties with those who can continue to inspire you, motivation you and make you feel alive. If something no longer brings happiness, do not be afraid to let go of it.


Be Grateful


Another interesting or vital thing that you can do is to attract better things, circumstances, and situations in your life. All that you must do is to be appreciative of what you have. Make it a habit to say thank you whenever something great happens in your day. Sometimes, all you need to make is to take a break so that you can appreciate all the fantastic events that take place in your life. Remind yourself that the more thankful you feel, the better it is for you and everyone around you. Living with gratitude can make it a lot easier for you to control your moods. Aside from this, it can also help in bringing in more positive energy in your life.




How To Balance Life And Work

Being a workaholic can have its benefits and disadvantages. When you work a lot in the office, there is a high possibility that you will be promoted to a higher position. At the same time, you may also have a high opportunity to earn more compared to those who do not work well. However, it can also have adverse effects on your lifestyle if you do not know how to balance the time that you spend in the office as well as the time you spend with the ones you love.




Chelsi Day, PsyD said that achieving a work-life balance can be challenging, but it does not mean that you can never do it. Keep in mind that in everything you do, it is necessary on your part to find the balance. Failure to do this can be problematic on your part because you may miss out on a lot of things. Below are some of the things that you need to consider:


Exercise Regularly


Even if you are busy at the office, make sure that you still find time to perform physical activities. Take note that exercise must be a big part of your daily routine. The more you do this, the happier you may become. As such, it can always put you in a good mood. Aside from this, being fit and healthy can also increase the energy levels in your body. As a result, you will have the right amount of energy to get things done in the office as well as to meet with some friends or spend time with your family.




Separate Work And Personal Issues


If something is bothering you at the office, find a way not to let it affect your relationships with the people around you. As much as possible, do not let anyone’s concerns in the office be a significant issue in your personal life. Otherwise, you will only end up bringing stress and anxiety in your life. Whenever something bad happens in the office, make sure to let it stay there. Resolve all the work-related issues at the place of work. Never make the mistake of bringing it after office hours because you might end up sending negative vibes to your friends and family members. At the same time, find a way to hang out with your work colleagues without talking about the office tasks. Josephine S. Minardo, PsyD notes “Rubbing elbows with colleagues is vital.”


Take A Break


Another thing that you must never forget is the significance of taking a break or vacation from your work. Stop making your work the only and most important part of your life. Instead, treat it as an opportunity to provide you with what you need so that you can have better days. If you think that you are already too stressed in the office, make sure that you find time to rest for a little while. No matter how busy you are, never sacrifice your own welfare by overworking. You have to understand that there is so much more than the life you have in the office. Go out of your comfort zone and travel to a new city or country. It may seem like a big leap, but it is exactly what you need right now.




Finding the perfect balance in life and work must be your number one priority. According to Marisa Alter, PsyD, “If you don’t feel like participating in your favorite activities, a therapist can help you figure out why.”


Tips On How To Choose Your Friends

There are many things that you need to remember when it comes to choosing your friends. Keep in mind that the quality of people that you surround yourself with can have several effects in your life. Because of this, it is crucial on your part to choose whom to make friends with. Failure to do this can make life a little more difficult for you. Aside from this, it can also expose you to several challenges and struggles that can be tough to survive. In this article, we are going to provide you with some tips and tricks on how to be smart in choosing your friends.




Here are the top things to keep in mind:


Know Who You Are


The first and most crucial thing that you need to focus at this point is to get to know yourself. Make sure that you know what kind of person you are so that you will not end up establishing connections with people who are entirely different from who you are. Take note that as long as you have no idea who you are, it will be challenging on your part to welcome new people in your life. Keep in mind that you must never compromise your values just to make friends with other people. If you do this, there is a high tendency that your friendship will not last long.



Notice The Little Things


When it comes to determining who should stay in your life, be sure that you consider taking note of the little things that the other person does. Do not be afraid to be mindful of what happens whenever he is around. Aside from this, you must also look at his actions and words. The purpose is for you to know the kind of influence that he brings into your life. If you do not like these little things, make sure to learn how to say goodbye to the other person. Do not put yourself in a very compromising situation wherein you will accept the other individual even if you do not have any similar interests. Keep in mind that the little things can tell you if the friendship is worth fighting for.



Be Wary Of The Fake Ones


Are you aware that there are several people in your life that you need not connect with? Do not be afraid to cut ties, especially once you discover that a person is faking your relationship with each other. Remember that life is too short to invest your time and efforts into an individual who does not treat you as a real friend. Otherwise, you will only be wasting your energy to the wrong person. The best or ideal thing to do is to be brave enough to let go of this kind of relationship or friendship. It may be difficult or hard in the beginning, but it is worth it. What matters the most is that you were courageous enough to take the first step in saying goodbye to the other person. Never blame yourself for failed friendships. Whether you like it or not, some people are just not meant to be by your side.


Most Common Behavioral Problems Seen In ADHD


Children who are diagnosed with ADHD are thought to many as having difficulty paying attention. According to Ari Tuckman, PsyD, “People with ADHD tend to feel and express their emotions more strongly.”  But most people – particularly parents – claim that behavior is a major dilemma as well. In fact, most parents think that behavior is a bigger problem than a lack of focus or concentration. Kids with ADHD may be quick to throw tantrums or they can be rebellious when they are asked to do something and they hate doing it. Families have consulted with psychologists about how to handle these behavioral problems, as some symptoms might not be direct because of the ADHD primarily but may be a result of the symptoms.

For instance, rebellion or disobedience is not a direct symptom of ADHD but is a result of the common ADHD symptom, which is the kid’s difficulty following tasks and instructions. These kids are easily bored so if they are given repetitive tasks, they may become restless. Also, tantrums may occur, as they are unable to handle their strong emotions, thus, they lash out.

Why Do They Act Out?

For parents and family members to better understand children with hyperactivity disorder, they must need to know about their history.

ADHD kids are innately inclined to be interested in the things that they aren’t supposed to do, and this is often why they argue or defy their parents. And because they are hyperactive and impulsive, they can’t stay put. They feel the need to stand up and check out the kitchen of your neighbor’s house where you’re spending dinner. Or they just go ahead and run around the park while you’re outdoors. The end result: a very stressed and worried parent. But know that they never intend to do that to you.

Emily Griffiths, LPC

Why Do They Throw Tantrums?

Children with ADHD find boring or repetitive activities quite difficult, particularly when they are asked to stop doing something that they want to do, like playing video games. This is why making their homework or sleeping early may be really challenging for some kids like them. As a consequence, they defy or throw tantrums. A psychologist says that if they do make an outburst and the likely result they get is a change in the task so that it will be easier for them, then the behavior tens to be repeated.


Make sure to teach your child to practice self-love. Kirsten Brunner, MA, LPC says that “ Self-care is any activity or choice that allows a person to replenish, rejuvenate or reserve energy.”

Some Discipline Techniques May Not Be Effective

When children with ADHD develop certain negative patterns, the discipline technique that may work normally for others may not work for them. Losing one’s temper is one of those techniques. For a kid who doesn’t always misbehave, he is often affected by his parent’s raised voice. However, for a kid who habitually disobeys or rebels, yelling a lot may mean it’s the way all parents are. They’d think that people in their home or in school often yell at them, so why listen to them at all?

Additionally, punishing them may become less effective. If kids with ADHD are punished all the time, it won’t matter anymore. They’ll get used to the punishments and similarly feel that it’s how the world works.

Discipline Techniques That May Work

Hyperactive kids tend to listen when the instructions are clearer and more organized. Experts suggest that parents must help their kids determine which behaviors are unacceptable and which ones are. Praise and gratitude are among the most powerful discipline techniques that parents should practice. Establishing a positive relationship through these techniques, and showing more affection, understanding, and love will help break the negative emotions and reactions that hinder good behavior.

Clinicians have a term for this proactive kind of structuring, one which they call ‘scaffolding.’ Children who are having difficulty in managing their own behavior will do better in a family environment that is capable of helping them regulate their behavior externally. The parents provide this structure as a way of a model that kids ought to learn to develop and improve their character and minimize their negative behavioral patterns.


Final Thoughts

For children with ADHD, there are actually prescription medications that can decrease their symptoms of impulsivity, hyperactivity, and decreased focus. Anti-psychotics such as Abilify and Risperdal are examples of these commonly used medications. However, even when they are taking medications, experts suggest that they should always be combined with parent training for best outcomes. Always remember that what you do as a parent is important. Saundra Jain, MA, PsyD, LPC says “Work is incredibly important but that is not the central focus of life. Your family, your social life, ability to parent, all of those are incredibly important.”
