When Acne Strikes [Home Remedies]


Acne is a skin condition common to adolescents and young adults. It occurs when the skin develops red spots, pimples, blackheads, whiteheads, oily skin, dark marks, and scars. Acne occurs when the hair follicle, commonly on the face, is clogged with dead skin cells, oil, and dirt.


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This skin condition can affect a person emotionally as it diminishes self-esteem. A person suffering from acne may be embarrassed or hesitant to interact with other people because he is afraid that they will be grossed out by his condition.


It can appear as early as puberty which is around the age of 12 that’s why teens are encouraged to be more cautious with their hygiene. Adolescence is the stage of life when a person is still undecided of his identity and tend to yearn for attention and acceptance, and having bad skin is a big problem!



Before your skin worsens, here are some simple remedies you can try at home to reduce and hopefully clear acne completely:



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  1. Vitamin A and E


Increase vitamin A and E intake. You can buy supplements from the pharmacy. Vitamin A is known to have antioxidant properties which can decrease oil production of the skin. It is also proven to contribute to healthy new skin cells and younger-looking skin. Vitamin E can help acne conditions by promoting fast healing and tissue repair diminishing acne marks.


  1. Apple Cider Vinegar


You can use apple cider vinegar as a toner or as a wash. It has a cleansing property which rids the skin of dirt, oil, and dead skin cells which are the leading causes of this skin condition. You can also drink apple cider vinegar to remove toxins from your system which can also contribute to acne.


  1. Green Tea


Green tea can help get rid of acne by causing a decrease in oil production. Aside from applying the green tea to the affected area, drinking it is also an excellent way to benefit from its acne busting properties. It strengthens the immune system and helps the body fight infections such as acne. It also decreases inflammation levels.


  1. Honey


You can add honey to your water and juices. You can take one tablespoon every morning and before bedtime. Honey has antioxidant properties which eliminate toxins in the body. It moisturizes the skin naturally and also serves as a facial mask to prevent dryness of the skin.


Source: pixabay.com


  1. Lemon


Lemon is a rich in vitamin C which is essential in boosting the immune system. You can also use lemon as a skin astringent because it has cleansing properties that rid the skin of oil and dirt. It has a brightening and firming effect, so it can be very beneficial to acne as it clears the skin of acne marks.


People always notice our face first when they talk to us and having acne can be troublesome! It messes with our self-confidence and affects how we mingle with other people. Early treatment is imperative to avoid unpleasant outcomes like acne marks or scarring.


Source: pixabay.com


There are other several ways to get rid of acne. You can try the remedies mentioned above, or you can also consult a doctor if you think its severity needs a more aggressive approach or medication.