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March 2021

Frequently Asked Questions About Being Sad And Healthy

Being Sad Due To Health Problems

Sadly, I got diagnosed with lung cancer at the young age of 9. It was likely caused by second-hand smoke, considering my parents were chain smokers. I was not allergic to it from the beginning, so they did not feel the need to stay away from me whenever they had cigarettes on. They never thought I could get affected like this, so despite their full knowledge of keeping the smoke away from their kid, they continued doing what they thought was not that big of a deal – smoking.

Fortunately, they stopped as soon as we got my health diagnosis. It was cancer. My parents became responsible for what they brought into the house, and they changed their lifestyles, committing to better and healthier ones. They engaged with different people and spread awareness of what smoking can do to everyone. They exerted effort to show how they really understand the whole situation and what needs to be done following my chronic health situation. This period of sadness and uncertainty deeply affected our family, but their unwavering support and determination transformed our mood and provided valuable information on how to navigate this challenging journey.

Sadly, the damage had been done – cancer cells had already been activated. I am deeply heartbroken to know that I am at my health limit and that the probability of losing a life is going to happen too soon. I could only go through radiation and chemotherapy to deal with my illness.

Don’t get me wrong, I am not being sarcastic, nor do I blame my parents for their inconsiderate behavior toward smoking. I do not hate them and will never make them feel that they should be feeling sorry for themselves for the rest of their lives just because I now have cancer. I am not like that. My parents were always supportive of me, and I am also here to support them emotionally and mentally.

The Unimaginable Process

If you have seen adults struggling with chemo, you can imagine how much harder it was for a kid like me to battle the intense sadness that came with cancer. It wasn’t about my physical appearance; I couldn’t care less if I lost my hair during the treatment. The most challenging part was swallowing those big pills and having needles stuck in my veins regularly. It wasn’t the type of experience you could ever get used to. Its process is exhausting as it takes a toll on my time and energy. Sometimes it makes me feel sad, like torture, and I often experience sadness along with weight loss.

The treatment was always painful, especially when the same areas of your body would get bruised after experiencing sadness too often. From the third session, when I realized that I still had five months to endure everything, I would often express my feelings of sadness to my parents, telling them that I felt so overwhelmed by the pain and sorrow all the time. Of course, they wouldn’t agree with that, as they wanted me to live a healthy life and have a second chance. Mostly, I saw it as their way of apologizing for being so irresponsible and causing their daughter to experience sadness throughout her entire life.

Once I reached the hospital, I would beg my nurses and doctors to stop treating me and let me be. I was in full pain; that is why I often asked everyone to just allow me to end everything. I wanted to die at that moment because I thought that whatever it was that they were doing, it would only end up killing me in the long run. So the only thing I do every time they try to help me, take me to the machines, and sometimes force me to swallow those pills is to beg them to let me die. But no loved one listens to me.

I am thankful for that now, for sure, but I did not feel that way back then. In reality, there was one thing that everyone said to me that I hated the most. It went along these lines: ‘Don’t cry, little girl. Everything will be okay soon.’ It was a lie, and even my younger self knew it. I did not believe the adults around me whenever they said that; it made me feel sad and caused me to cry even harder because they seemed like they did not want me to go through my emotions. If I had listened to them, I might have had trouble and developed depression because I had zero outlets for my other emotions. But I continue to tell friends and family how much I feel, expressing myself and always discussing my concerns, anger, frustrations, sad feelings, hopelessness, and fear of drying.

I found the best way to engage with those negative thoughts, even when feeling sad, where it involves suicide. I promised myself and held onto that promise. That one day, when things about the awful treatments and medications were over, I would love myself even more. And that when I survived the chemotherapy and became free of all the diseases, I would love everything about life even more. I motivated myself by convincing myself that there’s so much life can offer me once I get better. I encouraged myself to think about health and living because I wanted to see what I would become when I grew up.

It was a miracle actually that I made it. I helped myself get better, and I am so glad that I did not let my negative suicidal thoughts dwell on the sacrifices I have made.


FAQs About Loneliness And Its Connection To Our Health

Is Loneliness Bad For Your Wellbeing?

Keeping your feelings to yourself – sadness, frustration, grief, or anger – may cause your body to be physically stressed and unhealthy. The impact is the same, though the core emotions vary. It is a known fact that this affects one’s self-esteem, sleep, guilt, memory, and blood pressure. Over all, it can greatly affect one’s health.

What Does Loneliness Do To Your Body?

Being miserable or sad can significantly impact your overall well-being. Spending time dwelling on negative thoughts of death can alter the levels of stress-related opioids in your brain — it’s difficult to be sad and healthy at the same time. Additionally, it can lead to an increase in inflammatory proteins in your bloodstream, which are associated with a heightened risk of comorbid illnesses, such as stroke, metabolic syndrome, and heart problems – all of which pose serious health risks.

Is Loneliness A Disease?

Being sad is a natural response to circumstances that may lead to an example of emotional pain or distress. On the other hand, there are differing degrees of sad feelings and a depressed mood.

Do We Need Loneliness To Feel Joy?

Devoid of sadness, happiness is meaningless. Paradoxically, if you are scared of being emotionally sad, you are often unable to feel the heights of happiness. A lot of people live their lives in the middle area. They often don’t experience intense happiness, nor do they feel intense sad and low energy.


Is It Okay To Cry?

Yes, it is. Ways to experience feelings of worthlessness and sadness are human reactions to misery and disappointment. They are also healthy reactions, serving as a natural means of reducing the stress that, if ignored for long periods, could have detrimental effects on your body, both physically and mentally. This includes a heightened risk of developing cardiovascular illnesses and other stress-linked diseases.

Is It Okay To Cry For No Reason?

First of all, nothing is wrong with crying for no reason. Some people cry more often than others, and it is certainly okay. In fact, health professionals say that crying is a great natural stress reliever and it is healthy for people. A person who cries might actually become better than the one who doesn’t.

Is Crying Too Much Bad For You?

Crying has several advantages. However, too much of it might be an indication of depression. Crying as a reaction to one’s feelings like joy, frustration, or sadness, is quite normal.

Does Crying Damage Your Brain?

Health experts say that although animals exposed to extremely high stress levels for long durations could present with changes in their brain configuration, stress due to crying has never been proven to cause brain damage in humans.


Why Do I Usually Cry Easily Even If The Issue Is Not Really A Big Deal?

All of us cry sometimes. However, if you find yourself crying excessively and easily, it might indicate that you are overwhelmed by the stresses in your life or grappling with other issues in your mind, such as feelings of worthlessness, sadness, or depression.

Why Do I Cry When Other People Cry?

The concept of ‘grasping’ others’ feelings is something that health and psychology experts have been delving into. Known as ’emotional contagion,’ it happens when you interact with a person who feels extreme emotions. This, in turn, leads you to grasp that same emotion, sadness is normal.

Is Crying A Sign Of Weakness Of Someone?

No, it’s not. Crying is not a sign or one of the symptoms that you are weak. Conversely, it has been said that if you can cry to get over your problems, you are indeed strong and a healthy person.

Is Massage Good To Relieve One’s Self From Sadness Or Depression?

If you have severe worry, sadness, anxiety, or depression or are just too stressed about life, getting a massage can be part of the whole treatment plan. It can aid you in achieving relaxation, peace of mind, body-mind connection, good health, and empowerment.


What Type Of Massage Is The Best To Relieve Anxiety?

Shiatsu is probably the best massage for individuals who want to achieve relaxation, tension, and stress relief. It is a form of massage that originated in Japan that was developed to promote physical and emotional relaxation.

What Is The Benefit Of Sadness?

How Do You Express Loneliness In A Beneficial Way?

What is it to be happy and sad?

What are the benefits of sadness?

Why being emotional is good?

Final Thoughts

I survived lung cancer 20 years ago. Chemotherapy and radiation therapy were both unpleasant experiences that made me sad and depressed. I only recall the pain when I look at old images of myself. Contrary to popular belief, experiencing sadness made me physically and emotionally healthy. My feelings must be spoken, or they will perish. I could never be brave. I had no idea how brilliant I was as a child. If I could, I’d tell my 9-year-old self that I’m proud of her.

Frequently Asked Questions About Statistics Of Depression

Understanding everything about mental health and depression is not simple. Often, you will need to consider what is specifically happening to someone with a mental health condition because many things vary. That is because the signs and symptoms of someone experiencing Major Depressive Disorder or MDD differ for everyone. Not everybody is weak and vulnerable so they often choose isolation. Some depressed individuals are outgoing and often have strong personalities. Honestly, you can never genuinely tell if someone is dealing with an emotional and mental health problem. Not unless they openly expressed and talked about it.


The thing is, major depressive disorder is often silent but can still be too loud. You might easily identify it with lonely people, stressed, anxious, and always out of disposition. You can quickly distinguish their mental health condition through their actions. That explains why you can say that depressed people are often agitated, confused, and sensitive, and even show possible signs of acne and mental health issues. When they get a chance to talk and express themselves, they start with how empty they are.

But the situation is not limited to that since there are depressed individuals who are very happy and confident about what they want. These are individuals that usually discuss things in riddles. Sometimes, they tend to go bold and let people know about their plans and how much they want to leave the people and the world behind them. They openly talk about self-harm and suicidal thoughts in a joking manner. It is as if they want people to save them, but they do not want everybody to know that they need help.

Signs and symptoms of depression, although some of them are obvious ones, can still be tricky. That is because some people extremely want everything complicated. It is not because they want to lie to others or anything, but because they have this different mentality on how a mental disorder should be dealt with.

Age And Gender Differences In Mental Illness

According to the National Institute of Mental Health and Disease Control, Major Depressive Disorder or MDD is a mental health disorder that can affect anyone regardless of age or gender, but  research on depression statistics suggests that there are differences in the rates of how this disorder is diagnosed among different age support groups and genders. Understanding these differences is crucial for identifying those who may be at increased risk of developing this mental disorder, as highlighted by research from the National Institute of Disease Control, and providing appropriate health care support and treatment. In this section, we will explore age and gender differences in rates of how this disorder affects our society.

Rates By Age

Studies have found that the rates are highest among young adults, particularly those aged 18 to 25. These tend to decrease with age, with the lowest rates found among older adults aged 60 and above. Possible reasons for higher rates among young adults include stress related to transitioning into adulthood, social pressure, and lack of social support.

Rates By Gender

Studies consistently show that women are more likely to experience Major Depressive Disorder than men. Women are twice as likely to experience this mental disorder as men, and this gender difference persists across cultures and countries. Possible reasons for the gender difference in these rates include hormonal differences, socialization, and differences in coping strategies.

Importance Of Recognizing Age And Gender Differences In Cognitive Illness

Understanding population age and gender differences can help healthcare professionals or healthcare providers and policymakers develop targeted prevention and treatment strategies. For example, providing mental health support and resources to affected young adults, particularly those in high-stress transitional periods, can help prevent the mental disorder from developing. Recognizing that there are higher rates among women can lead to better screening and early detection of this mental condition in this population.

Economic And Social Impact Of The Condition

This disorder is not only a personal struggle for those who experience it, but it can also have a significant impact on society as a whole, affecting both adults and young individuals. In this section, we will explore the economic and social impact of major depressive disorder.

Economic Impact

Major depressive disorder or MDD, has a significant economic impact, with estimates suggesting that it costs the global economy over $1 trillion per year in lost productivity. It can lead to absenteeism and presenteeism (being present at work but not functioning well), which can result in reduced productivity and increased healthcare costs. It is also associated with increased use of healthcare services, including hospitalizations and emergency room visits.

Social Impact

This mental disorder can have a significant impact on social functioning, leading to impaired relationships, social withdrawal, and decreased participation in social activities. It can also lead to stigma and discrimination, which can further exacerbate social isolation and hinder recovery. The social impact of this mental disorder can extend beyond the individual, affecting family members, friends, coworkers, and other social contacts.

Cost Of The Treatment

The cost of treatment for this mental disorder can be expensive, particularly for those without access to adequate healthcare coverage. The cost of treatment can include medication, therapy, hospitalizations, and other healthcare services. Lack of access to affordable treatment can lead to untreated major depressive disorder, which can have long-term consequences for both the individual and society.

Importance Of Addressing The Economic And Social Impact Of The Condition

Addressing the economic and social impact of this disorder is crucial for improving the well-being of individuals and society as a whole. Investing in mental health services and resources can help reduce its economic burden and improve social functioning. Addressing stigma and discrimination can help reduce social isolation and increase access to treatment.

What Age Has The Highest Rate Of Clinical Illness?

The prevalence of major depressive episodes was higher among 7.1% of the U.S. population. Usually, those are 8.7% females and 5.3% males. Major severe cases of major depressive disorder are most likely to affect individuals between the ages of 45 and 65.

How Many Individuals In The World Suffer From Mental Illness?

It is a widespread mental illness, and globally, more than 264 million people are diagnosed with major depression. These include a million adults, middle-aged, teenagers, and even kids. It is a leading cause of emotional, mental, and physical disability worldwide and a major contributor to the overall global burden of health complications and diseases.

What Percentage Of Students Have Symptoms Of The Condition?

Almost 20 percent of all teens experience this mental struggle. Usually, some of them suffer from mild to severe symptoms before they reach adulthood. And in an unfortunate situation, only 30 percent of these depressed teens get proper treatment. That is because some of them often ignore their symptoms, and others do not care at all.

What Is The Most Common Mental Disorder?

Anxiety disorders are a well-known mental illness in the U.S. It affects approximately 40 million individuals from age 18 and older. This population also grows every given year as many teens and young adults struggle with life pressure and general problems. Fortunately, anxiety disorders are highly manageable. With the right treatment and medication, symptoms can easily go away. However, the problem is that only 36.9% of those suffering receive and seek treatment.

 Which Race Has The Most Leading Rate Of Mental Illness?

The race with the highest rate of major depressive disorder is usually Hispanics at 10.8%. It then gets followed by African American adults with an 8.9% total population count and whites with 7.8%. In addition to the information, the global rates from the WHO’s most recent findings indicate that the following countries, such as Brazil, Bangladesh, India, China, and the U.S., have the highest rates of diagnosis of this mental disorder.


Who Is At Greatest Risk For The Cognitive Disorder?

Usually, individuals in middle age are at the top of the bell curve for this mental condition. That is because of the life stressors that are often unmanageable such as financial strain, work-related disappointments, the death of a loved one, and many relationship problems. But that does not mean that the very young and very old do not experience depressive conditions. Some teenagers and adults often struggle mentally for a long time because they usually tend to ignore it, leaving them more susceptible to severe symptoms as the mental problem progresses.

What Are The Types Of Mental Illness?

According to statistics from the World Health Organization, the types of this disorder are Major, Bipolar Disorder, Psychotic, Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), Persistent Depressive Disorder, Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD), Peripartum (Postpartum), and ‘Situational’.

What Is The Mortality Rate Of MDD?

People with Major Depressive Disorder or MDD or severe anxiety usually die 7.9 years earlier than those with minimal mental health issues. At a population level, anxiety or persistent low moods were associated with an elevated risk of mortality. Severe conditions of mental health (such as eating disorders, substance use disorders, and others) make people suffer greatly with emotional, physical, and mental aspects. They also function poorly at work, at school, and in the family.

 What Country Has The Worst Mental Health?

The recent findings on the highest rates of global depression are countries such as Colombia, the United States, the Netherlands, and Ukraine. On the other hand, countries like Shanghai, Nigeria, and Italy were consistently low. Also, the prevalence was lower in Asian countries in general as well.

 Why Is School A Waste Of Time?

Many people believe that the school system is inconsistent because it doesn’t teach children the necessary skills for continued development. Besides the fact that school days are too long, it becomes entirely hard for children to focus for hours straight. At a very young age, children are obliged to spend long hours in an isolated room with individuals their age and only handled by a single adult that tends to teach them lessons. Many people think that life would be too uninteresting without school and that they cannot learn without the premises’ teachings.

 Is School The Main Cause Of MDD?

For some individuals, yes, it is. Not only does school often add to anxiety or persistent low moods, but mental health can also interfere with school at the same time. Moreover, research shows that all mental health conditions usually begin by age 24. Hence, the college years are a critical stage for individuals to experience many stressors that can damage their mental and emotional state.

 Can School Stress Cause Mental Illness?

Long-term stress that school problems bring increases the risk of mental health issues. These include anxiety, mood changes, substance use disorder or problems, sleep problems, pain, bodily muscle tension, and major depressive disorder. Long-term stress from school can contribute to physical, emotional, and mental illness. It can also affect the immune and metabolic functions, the heart, and chemicals acting on the brain.

 What Is The Rarest Mental Illness?

The rarest mental illness is called Apotemnophilia. It is an identity disorder characterized by the overwhelming desire to amputate healthy parts of the body. This disorder is said to be neurological since there is not much known specific information about it.

 At What Age Does Anxiety Peak?

Studies suggest that anxiety usually affects adults ages 30 to 44. These individuals often experience the highest anxiety rate and often can’t handle extreme mental health conditions. Some severe cases’ symptoms often include disrupted daily functioning, restlessness, irritability, fatigue, agitation, tense muscles, difficulty concentrating, and trouble sleeping.

What is poor mental health?

There is poor mental health involved when you find it difficult to manage how you think, feel, and act concerning daily stresses in your life. Other factors may affect as well, including gambling, smoking, alcohol, and misuse of drug use, which can contribute to poor mental health.

What percentage of death is from MDD?

Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) is not typically the direct cause of death, but it can contribute to other medical conditions that increase the risk of mortality. However, specific statistics data regarding the percentage of deaths directly attributed to MDD cannot be determined.

Who is most at risk for MDD?

Those most at risk for Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) tend to be individuals with a family history of the illness, those who have experienced traumatic or stressful life events, or individuals with chemical imbalances in the brain. Additionally, women are at a higher risk than men for experiencing MDD, according to available statistics data.

Why is major depressive disorder so common in the world?

Major Depressive Disorder is common worldwide due to a combination of factors, including genetic predisposition, environmental factors, and social stressors. However, the availability of statistical data has contributed to increased awareness and diagnosis of this condition.

What is the hardest mental illness to live with?

The most challenging mental disorder to live with varies from person to person as it depends on individual experiences. However, mental disorders such as schizophrenia, severe bipolar disorder, and borderline personality disorder are considered especially challenging for those who have them.

What is the top 10 worst mental illness?

There is no definitive list of the “top 10 worst” mental illnesses as the severity perception varies from person to person. Nevertheless, some of the most severe mental illnesses include schizophrenia, severe bipolar disorder, borderline personality disorder, and major depressive disorder.



You might assume that because you already got answers to some of your questions, you understand depression better. No, it is not like that. You will never entirely understand what this mental disorder is not unless you live through it. You will never know the sacrifices that people need to deal with while having this disorder, not unless you recover from the mental illness. But it does not mean that knowing something is not helpful. With a little bit of understanding and compassion, you can become an instrument to help and encourage people to fight their mental health battles.

