Sleep Disorder Problems After A Divorce – How Can You Help Yourself?





You probably figured out by now that you will experience having a sleep disorder due to tensions, constant worries, and stresses from a failed marriage. It’s not an easy battle because you know that it can clearly affect your health conditions. So how can you get enough sleep and bring back those energy levels you once lost? Here are the top remedies we have for you. According to Alicia H. Clark, PsyD, “When your marriage which you thought would stand the test of time ends, your heart understandably is broken.”


Develop A Relaxing Bedtime Ritual – It’s important to follow a bedtime ritual especially when you already went through a lot of emotional stress from the previous experience of your divorce. You can at least try a cup of decaffeinated coffee or milk to soothe your body and make you feel relaxed. Take a warm shower to let your body reach its required temperature before going to bed. Also, consider cleaning and changing your pillows and sheets because it gives an extra comfortable feeling of relaxation.




Maintain A Regular Sleeping Schedule – Well, sleeping at a well-maintained time doesn’t mean that you have to push yourself to go to bed and wake up at an exact time. You only need to follow a consistent day and night pattern that will allow your body to maneuver quickly. Having different sleeping schedules will create an impact on your body and develop into a mental health disorder if you continue to change it more often.

Avoid Having Your Gadgets Beside You – One thing that will help you attain that stress relief is by removing your mobile phones away from your bed. Your mobile gadgets inhibit you from producing sleep-inducing hormones (melatonin). Your body gets confused between day and night due to the emitting blue lights that your phone releases. It also disrupts sleep due to constant snoozing. Honestly, you don’t necessarily need to check it every time it snoozes.


TIP: “It’s important to be in touch with your own value system and know when your thinking is being driven by emotions.” –  Corrine Leikam, PsyD


Turn Off The Lights – Exposure to light can signal the body to stay alert. However, you won’t need it when you are about to sleep. Switching off the light before going to sleep helps in alleviating your stress levels. It also helps your brain to rest and stabilize your emotions as well. It supports in producing a maximum amount of melatonin that can assist in processing a much faster sleep.




Make A Comfortable Bedroom – You probably don’t have time to think about a lot of things because you’re too preoccupied with the worries and emotional dilemma you have gone through the divorce. However, if you want to achieve that relaxing sleep, make sure that you take the time to evaluate your room. Clean it, change sheets regularly, use humidifiers, remove clogging stuff, check the temperature, and do everything that will make it a comfortable place that you would want to look forward to every night.

Following these simple steps might take time, but you’ll soon get used to it in the long run. Besides, it may not look so important at first, but eventually, you’ll realize the benefits it can give you in addressing your sleep disorder. Before you sleep, make sure to talk to your children. Remember that Shendl Tuchman, PsyD. said that “If your children are asking questions about things they have overheard, try to assure them that, as soon as anything is known for certain, they will be the first to know.”